Support for .NET 4.0

What about .NET 4.0?

Official support for .NET 4.0 will be announced a few weeks following the official release of .NET 4.0. Currently the Licensing component works without issues against the .NET 4.0 Release Candidate. The Code Encryption feature of the CodeVeil Component is not stable in applications running under the .NET 4.0 runtime.

Every time Microsoft releases a major system update for the .NET runtime we have to re-vet the entire runtime executive injected by CodeVeil. Each time it takes a few weeks to a couple months to rework with all the unpublished and undocumented changes that Microsoft has made to the core runtime. Our customers of course want 4.0 support so it is an urgent matter for us to get 4.0 compatibility as well.

Published : Apr 19, 2010
Views : 4707

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